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Lynda Kluth

Finance Manager

Education: Associate Degree in Accounting; Lynda is a trained Stephen Minister.

Here at Risen Savior Lutheran Church since: member 1997, on staff 1998

Personal Information: Married to Bill; 2 adult children; Amanda (husband Craig) and Michael (wife Ashley)

Contact Information: Phone: 303-469-3521 ext. 10

Enjoys: Reading, traveling, collecting and visiting lighthouses

Fun Fact: Bill and I are high school sweethearts. Bill says that I am the only girl he ever kissed! Also, I’ve worked as church secretary at 3 different LCMS churches for a total of 20 years.

What I love about my position: I love the people! Helping, listening, connecting, meeting, caring, supporting-these are all ways I am able to show God’s love to His people both to individuals and through church ministry.

Bible verse with special meaning:
Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Him [Christ] who gives me strength.

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