7 [Jesus] said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:7-8 ESV
“Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” Isaiah 58:10
Missions South East Asia & Africa
Stronghold Cambodia

Stronghold Cambodia’s mission is to empower communities for positive change through Christian care and learning. Their vision is to equip Cambodian children and parents physically, intellectually and spiritually so they may they may carry out fruitful Christian lives. Pastor Phan Narit (Jesse), Director of Stronghold Cambodia, asks for support in many needs at the school that include prayer warriors, student scholarships, parent instruction, facility modifications, maintenance, short and long-term missionaries, and transportation. More details can be found on Stronghold Cambodia's Website, Facebook, and News Letter.
Crossing Cambodia

Stepping Out on Faith, Trusting God to Change the World. Crossing Cambodia’s Mission Director, Greg Holz, serves and is committed to affecting change and sharing the gospel in Cambodia, one life at a time. Crossing Cambodia works with street children, local churches, and through local networking to bring about change in children’s and families’ lives in Cambodia. Greg Holz is a member at Risen Savior Lutheran Church. More details can be found on Crossing Cambodia's Website or Newsletter. Can you help by donating Click Here
Cima Family in Phnom Penh Cambodia

J.P. and Aimee Cima Family and children Celeste, Bella, and Isaac are currently missionaries in Phnom Penh and partner with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Please keep this family in your prayers. See the newest newsletter Click Here. Did you know you can access all 13+ years' worth of our newsletters here?
through their photo blog journey or to support this ministry Click Here
Mission Central is hosting an online presentation (via Zoom) enter CIMA Cambodia where you'll find an update about God's mission in Cambodia. In particular, we'll focus on our recent participation in a food aid project to help over 350 families affected by the economic fallout of COVID-19. There will also be time for open Q&A.
Dr. Fung Lo in Thailand

Risen Savior support Dr. Fung Lo and family, Kalia and Mercy at the Mission of Christ Network office in Thailand.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Our family returned to the United States for an indefinite furlough. We would like to come and share the Lord’s ministry in Southeast Asia with you and/or your congregation. Please connect with us to set up a schedule for us to come to see you and/or your church; the earlier the better. Thank you.
Your partner in His mission, Fung Lo
Contact Pastor Dr. Lo Click Here
See resent newsletter of the Lord’s work through our family, Ministry Update -Ministry Update - April 2021
Trinity Lutheran Church and School

Members of our congregation have been providing church support for Trinity Lutheran Church in Battambang, Cambodia since 2004. If you would like to support this ministry, please make out your check to Trinity Lutheran Church and send to the church office. For more information about the church, please contact Marie Maves or Marilyn Mohling through the church office.
Mission Uganda

Elizabeth Coorless, a member of Risen Savior Lutheran Church, is serving with Hope for the Nation sharing the love of Christ through intentional relationship and discipleship to create change from within.
- Missionary Account Number: 6059
- Country of Service: Uganda
To support Elizabeth Coorless click the link http://ssmfi.org/missionary/elizabeth-corless/
For more information contact Elizabeth directly at evcorless@yahoo.com or contact Debbie Straubinger through the Church Office
Other International Mission Groups
Young Life: Developing Global Leaders
The Developing Global Leaders Program is designed for just such transformation. An integral part of Young Life's Reaching a World of Kids initiative, the Developing Global Leaders Program will result in a generation of Christ-centered leaders throughout the developing world. Whether through continued involvement with Young Life or as people of faith and character in education, government or business, these global leaders will have a transforming impact in places desperate for change. The table is set for transformation. Students have been selected. Trainers, mentors and ministry teams are ready. The missing piece is you. Click to learn more – http://www.ylgloballeaders.org. For more information, please contact Bob Mohling through the church office.
Operation Christmas Child
The Amazing Journey of a Shoebox Gift Begins with You and Results in Evangelism, Discipleship, and Multiplication. Every late fall, Risen Savior Lutheran Church starts to gather supplies and donations for the Operation Christmas Child.Stay tuned in the bulletin for more information as we get closer.
To learn more about Operation Christmas Child – click here
Outside Ministry Applications
Are you and your family traveling outside of the country with a mission and would like prayers and support?
Please contact us and let us know so that we can email you our Ministry Application!