“I don’t believe we’ve met.”
How they found Risen Savior Lutheran Church and why they came to Risen Savior.
If they have a home church, find out where it is.
If they have recently relocated to the area, inquire where they have moved from and their occupation. This will allow you to connect them with others at Risen Savior Lutheran Church. Those with similar geographic or occupational backgrounds.
Asking about their interests may assist in making a connection with a church group or activity.
Greeters are one of the first contacts both a member and a visitor may have when coming to Risen Savior. Risen Savior wants everyone to feel welcomed, accepted and loved. For the current schedule, click on Serving Others-Serving in Worship-Serving Schedules.
Here are some of the specific duties of a greeter:
- Please arrive 15 to 20 minutes before the service starts!
- Position one greeter at each main entrance (east and west)
- Familiarize yourself with the bulletin and upcoming events.
- Wear your name badge and a “GREETER” badge. The greeter badges are found in the bookcase in the back of the church sanctuary.
- Introduce yourself to those you don’t know. (They may be members who normally go to another service!)
- Offer a Visitor Packet or direct them to the Information Center for brochures, etc
- If small children, point out the nursery and restrooms. There are changing tables in both restrooms. We have a family restroom in Wing 2.
- If people have children, point out the classrooms; tell them about the children’s church in the 11 am service. Help them find Sunday school rooms. The Information Center will have maps of the classrooms.
- Offer tour of the church and tell them about Risen Savior Lutheran Church.
- If it is a communion Sunday, and they are interested, find Pastor or Elder on Duty.
- Stay on duty until at least ten minutes after the service begins.
- Please plan to exit during the last stanza of the final hymn, so that you may be available to Pastor (s) and any exiting visitors for greeting after the service.
- Please remain near Pastor(s) until all attendees have exited the church and have been greeted at the end of the service. Be especially watchful after the service for Visitors and orient them, as needed.
- If you met the visitors before the service, greet them again after the service and introduce them to others include your family if possible.